Hartford-Herald News...1902

The following information was pulled from the HARTFORD/HERALD NEWSPAPER on microfilm for the year 1902.    Items found: births, deaths and marriages plus sorted notes of interest.    My special thanks to the great lady in Texas, who loaned me this tape for this project, the total information found is pure gold.


                                                         Joe Taylor







MRS. WILLIE MORTON, died at her home near here, DECEMBER 19, 1901 of consumption.  She leaves her husband, father, brother and a good cousin, MISS MARGARET FULKERSON, who has been like a mother to her since her mother’s death when Mrs. Morton was two years old.  She was the only daughter of  MR. MILTON KINBLEY, who lives near here.  She was 27 years old.  She was buried in this place.





MRS. ELLEN BLACKLOCK, who lived near NEW BAYMUS, died on 27th of pneumonia and was buried in the FOREMAN GRAVEYARD.


MR. JOHN M. LEACH of  BEAVER DAM was a pleasant caller yesterday.


MR. S. P. RENDER of NORMAN, OK. spent a few days in HARTFORD last week.


DR. J. H. BARNES of CHICKASHA, I. T. and MISS ETHEL KILPATRICK of ST. LOUIS, MO. married on DECEMBER 11th in ST. LOUIS. DR. BARNES, a former resident of this county, moved west several years ago and meeting with much success.


MR. EUGENE COMBS, living between HARTFORD and SULPHUR SPRINGS, died of pneumonia last week.  He was a worthy young man.


MR. G. B. THOMPSON and family left HORTON last week going to CROWLEY, LA. to make their new home.






    COUNTY JUDGE JAMES P. MILLER, was born on a farm two miles east of HORTON, OHIO COUNTY OCTOBER 6, 1850.  When quite young his parents died, leaving him to struggle along as best he could.  By hard work and close application he obtained a good education and finally became a teacher in the schools of the county.   On JANUARY 1, 1877, he married to MISS ALICE PAXTON, a most charming lady of the Beaver Dam neighborhood.  On August 17, 1889, his partner in life was taken away from him by death and he found himself alone with five motherless children, all of whom he has succeeded in raising and keeping at home and who today compose one of the most interesting and happy families in Hartford.

   JUDGE MILLER became a member of the Masonic fraternity when a young man and has filled almost every responsible position in the Blue Lodge.  He has always taken a lively interest in the political affairs of his county and stands high with all political parties as a man of ability and fair dealing.  He first affiliated with the Republican Party, but he came dissatisfied with that party and went into the organization of the Populist Party and was twice nominated for the office by the Populist party without any solicitation on his part and over his protest.  He was nominated by the Populist and Democrats of Ohio County for COUNTY JUDGE in the year 1897 and though the entire fusion ticket was defeated except himself he won by a bare majority.  In the mean time he became identified with the Democratic party both by act and belief and so acceptably did he conduct the business of the county and his office that the Democrats nominated him for re-election by the largest majority ever given any candidate in a county convention.  In the general election that followed while his opponent had nearly a100 majority to start with JUDGE MILLER overcame that majority receiving the support of many of the leading Republicans of the county.  His was the largest vote ever cast for a County Judge in this county.

  In religion Judge Miller is an ardent Baptist and an enthusiastic church worker.  When the Ohio County Baptist Association was organized here in September he was chosen Assistant Moderator, without opposition.  He is at present Assistant Superintendent of the Baptist Sunday School at Hartford and also a teacher in the same.  During the late long and tedious campaign, he was absent but one Sunday from his class.

  In fact Judge Miller is one of Ohio County’s most respected citizens and a Christian gentleman of the first class it gives us pleasure to present to our readers the above excellent likeness of him

NOTE; There was a PHOTO with this story; it has been up-loaded to the OHIO CO. PHOTO PROJECT.


  COUNTY ATTORNEY WILLIAM H. BARNES, was born on a farm near HARTFORD, KY. NOVEMBER 30, 1870.  He is the son of R. W. and FANNIE B. BARNES and is the eldest of ten children.

  Mr. Barnes attended public schools until the fall of 1889, when he entered HARTFORD COLLEGE and attended two sessions 80-90, 91-92 at which time he received two collegiate degrees.  B. S. at close of the first term and PH B. at the close of the second term.  Mr. Barnes was one of the contestants in the oratorical contest between the members of the Scientific Philosophies and the Classical departments which took place close of the last section he attended.  His subject was “OUR SOCIAL AND ECOMEMIC FUTURE  JUDGE JEP C. JOHNSON of Greenville, Ky, JUDGE J. ALLEN, Dean of Owensboro, and Hon. E. J. McDERMETT of Louisville were the judges.  In this contest he was adjudged the winner of the prize.... $50.00 gold.

  After leaving  college, he taught in the public schools for two year.  He was married AUGUST 30, 1893  to MISS ADA R. PATTON, daughter of MR. and MRS. J. H. PATTON.   To them have been born two children, both boys.  The first child, STOY LYNN , died at the age of six weeks.  The other Master JAMES GLENN is five years old.

  Mr. Barnes, recognizing his best talents, resolved upon the legal profession.  After some time of close application he was admitted to practice law. on December 1, 1893.  He moved to Hartford in the spring of 1895.  Besides a successful career as a lawyer he  has held the office of CITY ATTORNEY and also that of POLICE JUDGE of  Hartford.  He is a member of the Methodist church.

  Mr. Barnes has always taken an active interst in politics and is a strong Democrat.  He was eleected County Attorney on the Demoratie ticket at the recent election.  November 5, 1901  and assumed the duties of his office last Monday.  Mr. Barnes is a gentleman of high ideas and is very popular throughout the county.  An evidence of  his popularity  may be gleamed from the fact that he was elected  by a good  majority over a man who is an old hand at politics and who had a large political majority to start with.  The above is an excellent linkness of Mr. Barnes.

NOTE; A PHOTO was with this item, it has been up-loaded the OHIO CO. PHOTO PROJECT SITE.



MRS. SUDIE FLOYD  married MR. CATE FORMAN in SULPHUR SPRINGS, one night last week.




Next Wednesday , JANUARY 15th in BICKNELL,IND. MISS MARY ELIZA KLEIN will marry MR. CURTIS BARGE.  The bride is a former citizen of HARTFORD.






STEPHEN G. FIELDS, son of HUGH FIELDS and better known as BUD. died at the home of his parents in Livermore on the 11th. He was 14 years old.


MR. MELVIN WELLS, age 24, shot and killed himself on the 11th at the home of MR. JOHN EASTON, about 4 miles from Fordsville,  at this time no one knows why.


MRS. SALLY TAYLOR, an old and highly respected citizen, died at Livermore, Ky. on the 9th at the home of her son in law MR. R. O. GORE, the well known merchant and proprietor of the Livermore house, with whom she has lived , after a long illness. Mrs. Taylor who was the widow of  the late ANDREW TAYLOR, was born in McLean Co. (then part of Daviess Co.)  in 1820, she was mealy 82 years old at the time of her death.  She had lived her entire life in or near Livermore, except a year or so during the Civil War, when she and her family lived in Illinois. 

Mrs. Taylor was the mother of 5 daughters and 2 sons, all of whom survive her and were with her during her last illness.


BARRETT’S FERRY;  Mr. BOB PHILLIPS and wife, Estill Petty and wife, and MR. WILLIS HART. have moved to SHERIDAN, ARK. to live.








MR. D. L. JOHNSON and family have moved from PLEASANT RIDGE, KY to DIXON, KY to live.


NEAFUS, KY;  MRS. JAMES KISSINGER of this place died at her home on the 17th of consumption and buried in the LEACH CEM. on the 19th.  She was the daughter of ESQ P. H. ALFORD.  She leave her husband and two little boys.


Died at her home in OWENSBORO on the 14th, MRS. REBECCA BROTHERTON, widow of  JOHN BROTHERTON, who preceeded her several years ago. She was buried in the ELMWOOD CEM.  MRS. BROTHERTON was 77 years old and the mother of MRS. SAM. K. COX of HARTFORD.


MR. C. A. SHREVE of Louisville, formerly of this county and MISS BEULAH SPENCER  of AUBURN, KY.,  were married  on the 15th. in AUBURN.


DUNDEE, KY.... MRS. WILL LANHAM died  last week of  consumption.






MRS. MINERVA WARDEN died at her home in Ohio Co. on JANUARY 19, 1902  and was buried in the CENTERTOWN CEM.   She was born  AUGUST 18, 1818. 


SELECT, KY..... MR. ROBERT BAIZE died at his home near HOLSTON on the 21st and was buried  at the MT. ZION CEMETERY.


Daughter born to WARREN SHIELDS of  CROMWELL on the 11th.


MR. T. C. TAYLOR  and family of near here, have moved to SHERMAN, TEXAS to live.


Son born to C. R. MARTIN on the 24th


Daughter born to McDOWELL FAIR on the 26th


Son born to DR. E. W. FORD on the 28th




MRS. LOUISA MAUZY, mother of our town marshal, MR. W. H. MAUZY, died at her  home in DIXON, KY on the 25th; she was the widow of  SQUIRE MAUZY who formerly lived in HARTFORD.  She was buried in DIXON.


MR. O. M. SELBERT married MISS MARTHA ANN GRIGSBY, daughter of ALEX GRIGSBY a few miles south of HARTFORD on the 23TH.  The groom’s parents are MR. MRS. S. H. SELBERT.






MR. JOSEPH SMITH of OWESNBORO died on the 1st of LOCK JAW.


MR. MARTIN LOUIS of  CALIF.  visited  last week


MR. M J. COX JR. of  PLEASANT RIDGE, KY... has moved to ST. LOUIS to live.




ROCKPORT, KY..... DR. F. B. DeWITT has a new daughter born the 30th.


ROCKPORT, KY..... MR. W. G. REID has moved to HATTISBURG, MISS. to live






On the 2nd of this month, at DYERSBURG, TENN.,  MR. Wm M. HOLT was married to MISS. IVA MAE MEHL.  Mr. Holt was formerly of this county, as was MISS MEHL, she being the adopted daughter of MR. MRS. H. MERICK of Beaver Dam


MR. HOWARD ELLIS  married MISS ERNESTLINE ANDERSON  near Fordsville on the 9th.. the groom is the son of  MR. A. C. ELLIS while the bride is the daughter of MR. MRS. R. A. ANDERSON.


MRS. SALLIE BROWN of LIVERMORE, McLEAN CO., KY, died on the 6th.  She was the widow of the late HARVEY BROWN, her maiden name was SALLIE ELLIS and was born in INDIANA in 1832, being seventy years old at the time of her death.


MR. ED JONES married MIS NELLIE SKAGGS at the home of her parents MR. MRS. WOODFORD SKAGGS on the 5th.


MATANZAS, KY   MRS JANE TICHERNOR died on the 27th after a long illness.  Aunt JANE as she was called  will be sadly missed.  She spent a long and useful life.  She had been a member of the Church of WEST POINT  since 1856... She leaves 2 sons and 3 daughters to mourn her.


NOTE; FEB. 19th issue of this paper.

Died, at the home of her son-in-law, W. P. RENDER on JAN. 26, 1902, MRS. N. J. TICHENOR, in her 77th year.  Funeral services were conducted by REV. J. T. CASEBIER at WEST POINT Church, MONDAY, after which her remains were interred in the family burying ground, to await the resurrection morn.  her life was that of a good and loyal woman.  She was a faithful member of the Baptist church for 62 years, ever ready to contribute to the cause of Christ and to lend a helping hand to time of need.  She was a true and loving companion an affectionate mother, a kind neighbor and a friend to the troubled or afflicted.  In truth, it can be said, a good woman is gone.  She leaves five children, J. W. and W. W. TICHENOR, MRS. T. J. EVERLY, MRS. W. P. RENDER and MRS. J. B. MADDOX.   Also 23 grandchildren.






SELECT, KY.... MR Wm FLEENER and family of the GREEN RIVER area are moving to OKLAHOMA to make their home.


MRS. CORNELIA PEYTON ROBERTSON died at the home of her son-in-law, MR. J. W. TICHENOR, near POINT PLEASANT on the 16th.  She was buried in the OARWOOD CEM. at HARTFORD.  She leaves 4 boys and 2 girls all grown.  She was one of the oldest and respected  citizens of Ohio Co. Ky.


PLEASANT RIDGE, KY.... MR. LUTHER STEVENS and family have moved to COLORADO, where they will make their new home.






CERALVO, KY.....  MRS. MINERVA WARDEN, died at her home about three miles from here JANUARY 19, 1902 in her 83rd year of age.  She leaves 3 girls and 3 boys, all grown. She was buried on the home place.


MR. OWEN WILLIAM is now living in CROWLEY, LA.


A man named DAMSEL OWEN, who it is said operated a blind tiger, was found murdered in this shanty boat anchored to the OHIO CO. shore opposite Livermore, on the 25th .  A pistol hole in the back of his head showed how he had come to his death.  It is supposed he was robbed, after being murdered.  A coroner’s jury failed to get evidence sufficient to indicate who killed him.  He leaves a family in Livermore.


MR. C. P. HODGES, BEAVER DAM, married MISS DONIE JAMES of  CROMWELL on JAN. 22TH. The groom is the son of A. W. HODGES and the bride is the daughter of  Thomas James, deceased, and a niece of marshal  A. D. JAMES of LOUISVILLE..... her father died about a year ago.


MRS. J. H. EVERLY died on the 20th of consumption and was buried in the POINT PLEASANT CEM.






HORSE BRANCH, KY;  MRS. KATIE CRAHAN, wife of JOE CRAHAN formerly of this place, died in CECILIA on the 28th. of blood poisoning.  MISS MARY CRAHAN went to CECILIA the 28th to attend the burial of her sister-in-law which took place at ST. JOHN’S CEM. HARDIN, CO.



ADABURG, KY.... Daughter born to CLAY FORD


Son born to S. A. ANDERSON on the 27th



MR. LUTHER CHINN has returned from CALIFORNIA.


Daughter  born to SAM DAVIDSON of  BARRETTS FERRY on the 28th


MR. CLINKER DEMMITT died on the 2nd of Feb. of  old age, at the home of MR. J. R. HEWLETT, where he had been living the last few years.  He was 96 years old.  He leave 4 children... MRS. J.  W. BENNETT of Chicago, MRS. N. T. ATCHISON of JEFFERSON CO. , MRS. ALBERT CHAPEL of  JEFFERSON CO. MRS. ALBERT CHURCH of KANSAS CITY, and MRS. J. D. HEWLETT of PLEASANT RIDGE,  His remains were taken to Jefferson County for burial.


MR. JOHNM. LINNEY of DANVILLE is dead, he was 74 years old and the father of 26 children.






At EVENSVILLE, IND. on the 11th,  WILLIAM B. COX, shot his wife two times, killing her; she was the former VIRGINIA BRENT of VERSAILLES, KY.  After he shot his wife, he then put a bullet into the temple of his head, he died on the 12th...  They were buried side by side in the OAK HILL CEM, in EVANSVILLE.  They left an eighteen month old child, who will be raised by MISS ANN ROWAN of LIVERMORE, an aunt of MR. COX.  MR. COX was raised in NICKOLS, in OHIO CO. KY. and was the brother of  ROWAN, OWEN AND ROY, who still live in Ohio Co.  After the death of their parents several years ago, leaving a sizable estate to their children, Bill, as he was known, became a heavy drinker. He called Owensboro home, but spent time in Evansville too.  At his death he was 44 years old.

In another item of this issue, it was stated that William’s brother Owen had gone to court to get custody of the child.




Son born to JOE FORD of near BEAVER DAM .on the 11th.


MR. JOSEPH GRIFFIN married MISS PEARL DANIEL, both of this county, in ROCKPORT,  IND. on the 7th.


Infant child of  MR. MRS. CANEY DAFFRON of near SULPHUR SPRINGS died on the 10th


One of the children of MR ED BOWERS of near Sunnydale, died last week, and three other of the children are also sick and not expected to live.


MR. WARREN NICHOLS married MISS AGNES HERREL, both of ROCKPORT, in HARTFORD on the 7th.  Mr. NICHOLS is a foreman on the ILLINOL CENTRAL RAILROAD, MISS HARREL is a sister of HARREL BROS., general merchants of ROCKPORT.


HORSE BRANCH was incorporated last week as a sixth-class town.


MR. HUGH TRACY,  a former citizen of HARTFORD, son of MR. D. F. TRACY.  MR. TRACY was one of the U. S. FORCES in the PHILIPPINES and passed away in that country on the 28th of JANUARY.


Last week, a crew was clearing dirt and rocks from the tunnel at ROSINE  of the L. C. RAILROAD when a boulder of some fifty tons, became loose and rolled down on them, killing three men,  MR. TOM DOBBS of ROSINE,  MR. GRANVILLE MAIDEN of HORSE BRANCH and a negro whose name could not be learned.


The wife of MR. HENRY HARDWICK, who was born and raised in Hartford, died at her home in MEMPHIS, TENN of puerperal fever.  The little babe came about three weeks ago.  Before her marriage she was MISS EVA KARNS, daughter of JUDGE KARNS of OWENSBORO.  Her remains were brought back to her old  hometown for burial.


The seven year old son of  MR. E. E. RHOADES ,of DEANEFIELD, died in the hospital in LOUISVILLE last week.






Son born to J. H. WILLIAMS on the 15th


CECIL, the little son of  MR. MRS. ALFRED STEWART, died at his parent’s home in SELECT, KY. on the 13th.


MR. JOHN CARR of CENTRAL CITY married MISS FRANCIS VIRGINIA WILSON of ECHOLS on the 16th, in the home of the brides father MR. ELISA WILSON.










Daughter born to  RUE BURTON on the 28th.


Died at SHAWNEE, OKLAHOMA on the 20th of MARCH, MR. A. L. BENNETT, after a week’s illness, he leaves a wife and 3 children.

NOTE from the APRIL 9th issue of this paper; From the SHAWNEE, OKLAHOMA, paper, printed in the HARTFORD/HERALD:  On MARCH 20th, MR. A. L. BENNETT, surrounded by his family and neighbors, died after an illness of one week.  MR. BENNETT had been in Shawnee but six weeks, coming here from POLK CO., FLA.,  where he had lived for the past 15 years.


MRS. S. P. TAYLOR of  BEAVER DAM, who went to OLATON on the 28th to see a sick brother, was met at the train station by her brother-in-law, MR. CHARLES DAVIDSON; after they left the station, a bolt of lighting spooked the horse and it flipped the buggy which completely demolished.


MR. ARTHUR D. BUSKILL married MISS EDNA GRIFFIN on APRIL 2, 1902; they will make their home in CROWLEY, LA.


CLARKSON, KY..... Daughter born to JOHN NEVITT,on the 24th






Son born to JOHN DANIEL of  OLATON on the 7th.


UNCLE BILLY CHANCELLOR, a blind veteran of the Civil War, died at his home in CERALVO on the 6th, of old age.  He leaves his wife and several children, all grown.   He was buried in the cemetery on his home farm.






MR. C. L. GREEN died  at her home in MT. VERMON, ILL. on the 10th. of pneumonia.  The deceased was the wife of DR. W. D. CREEN, and the sister of DR. J. S. MORTON of HARTFORD.  She was born and reared here.  She was 78 years old and leaves her husband and 6 children.


At McHENRY, on the evening of the 12th, in a drunken brawl, ALONZO GAITHER struck JOHN CALLOWAY in the temple with an empty beer bottle, from the effect of which, Calloway died the next day.  Gaither has been arrested.


OWENSBORO MESSENGER;  ROBERT RICHARDSON, a farmer, was killed by a falling tree limb on the 9th. while working to clear some land.


EMINENCE, KY, APRIL 12th, CHARLES HAGEN, only child of JOHN F. HAGAN, shot and killed himself .


PLEASANT RIDGE, KY..... EARL BENNETT, a SECOND LT. in the U. S. ARMY is visiting relatives here.


CERALVO, KY.... MR. JOHN KIMBLEY, died at his home in LOUISVILLE, APRIL 7, 1902 of pleurisy.  His remains were brought to this place and buried.  He was a son of Wm KIMBLEY, deceased, who formerly lived in this place.  He leaves a wife and two sisters to mourn him.






ESQ. J. L. MILLER, one of the most highly respected and best known citizens of the county, died at his home near ADABURG on the 10th of pneumonia.


Two weeks ago, MISS OLLIE LEE BALDWIN, the 17 year old daughter of MR. D. H. BALDWIN went to TAYLORMINES to visit her aunt, on her return she was the wife of  MR. HARRY BARNARD,  they were married in the TAYLORMINE HOTEL.  He is a bookkeeper for the Taylor Mine coal company, she is well known in the Hartford area.








Daughter born to C. M.NALL of McHENRY on the 28th


Daughter born to  J. F. VICKERS on the 23rd, she is to be called MARION.


Died at  his home near PRENTISS on the 24th of old age, MR. THOMAS SHULTZ.  He was buried in the family graveyard.   Mr. Shultz, who has been blind for some 20 years, is one of Ohio county’s oldest and best known citizens.


MR. JOHN DANIELS died very suddenly of heart failure, at his hone near FORDSVILLE on the 23rd.  He was buried in the FORDSVILLE CEM. His son CHARLES found him.


MR. JAMES R. TODD, died near SHREVE on the 18th.  He was at the home of his son-in-law, MR. TAYLOR MURPHY.  He was in his 75th year of age, and born in MEADE COUNTY, KY. in 1826 and was the adopted son of COL. W. TODD, a Colonel in the militia in the early days of Kentucky


MR. BEN T. MITCHELL died on the 14th.


OHIO CO. KY.  has the following;

610 square miles of territory

over 6,000 voters

over 30,000 people

Hartford has three banks, one the oldest in the state






McLEAN CO. ..... MRS.  A. G. CHAPMAN died at her home on the 1st. of pneumonia, she was 68 years old.


McLEAN CO. ..... MR. CHARLEY ELLIS, aged about 40 years, died at his home in Calhoun on the 2nd.  Leaving his wife and two small children.


EASTVIEW, KY.... Son born to CHARLEY MATIN on the 3rd.


EASTVIEW, KY....Mr. R. M. HENRY died on the 2nd of cancer of the stomach.  He was buried in the UNION GROVE CEM.... He leaves his wife and 8 children.


MR. JOHN MILLER of  McHENRY has moved his family to BICKNELL, IND. to make their new home.


MR. FELIX MONROE of Beaver Dam has moved his family to LEITCHFIELD to make their new home.


MRS. LYDIA HOLLAND, wife of  JOHN HOLLAND of the NORTH CREEK area, died on the 3rd and was buried in the MT. HERMON CEM.  She leaves her husband and 3 small children.


MRS. KITTY DAVIDSON, wife of  SAMUEL DAVIDSON of  FALLS OF ROUGH, died on the 4th, and was buried in the LANDRUM burying grounds , two and one/half miles west of FALLS OF ROUGH. She leave 4 children, all grown.


On the 1st, at the home of MRS. MARY F. LILES near BEDA, this county, Mrs. MILDRED A. BARNETT gave a dinner in honor of her two grandsons, LT. Wm. E. BENNETT, 13th. U. S. INFANTRY and CORPORAL R. P. LILES, 18th U. S. INFANTRY, who are visiting in the area.  Mrs. BARNETT has only two living children,  L. D. BENNETT of the NORTH CREEK area, and MRS. LILES, with whom she lives.  Her children and grandchildren, twenty in number, were all present.  Mrs. Steve Duke and children of HARTFORD, mother of LT. BENNETT,  RAMSEY DUKE, RETHEL DUKE and GLADYS DUKE were in attendance.


MR. A. L. BENNETT, aged 55, died suddenly on the 1st at his home in LIVERMORE.  Until about a year ago he lived in OWENSBORO, where most of his family still live.  Mr. Bennett was an excellent man and one of the leading timber dealers in the Green River county.  He leaves a wife, two daughters and two sons.






Son born to ED CURTIS on the 9th...... 10 pounds


There is a photo of HON. T. F. BIRKHEAD, candidate for the DEMOCRAT PARTY  for CIRCUIT JUDGE, of Daviess Co.


MR. JOHN R. WALKER of  FORDSVILLE, died at the NORTON INFIRMARY in LOUISVILLE last week of stomach trouble.  He was buried at the FORDSVILLE CEM.  He leaves a wife.


Little JIMMIE GOFF, 8 year old son of JAMES GOFF of near HEFLIN, OHIO CO., took the mule to be watered  on the 10th, afterward got on the mule and his foot got caught in the halter, the mule became frighten and ran off, dragging the boy,  His neck was broken in two places and he died.


MR. CICERO MILLER of HORSE BRANCH, died on the 6th and was buried in the Salem Cem.






Daughter born to LAWRENCE JEWELL on the 15th.


Wm Williams, of  Jamestown, Monroe county, formerly of  OHIO COUNTY, died of consumption on the 7th.  He was a brother-in-law of MR. J. K. and JOSHUA TINSLEY of BEDA.


JOHN STEVENS, who moved with his father, LUTHER M. STEVENS and family from PLEASANT RIDGE, DAVIESS CO., KY to GUNNISON, COLORADO last February was killed on the 11th.  He and other young men had been in a game of BASEBALL, and a difficulty came up which ended with young Stevens being stabbed to death.


The Grand Jury has been empanelled for this term, its members are;

J. P. GILLMORE, Foreman, age 61, BAPTIST, weight 154 pounds, Democrat.

J.R. FELIX age 68, Methodist, weight 125 pounds, Republican

D.. C. BLACK, age 65, Methodist, weight 170 pounds, Republican

HENRY D. ALLEN, age 70, Christian, weight 149, Populist

SETH MOSELEY, clerk, age 31, belongs to no church, but leans Baptist, weight 145, Democrat

G. A. RALPH, age 29, belongs to no church, but leans to Methodist, weight 155, Republican

D. M. PARKS, age 50, Methodist, weight 120, Republican

J. L. CARSON, age 65, Methodist, weight 225, Republican

W. D. BENNETT, age 58, Methodist, weight 110, Republican

T. W. BARRETT, sheriff, age 36, Christian, weight 176, Republican

W. S. DEAN, age 39, Baptist, weight 180, Republican

WALKER PARKS, age 40, Methodist, weight 130, Republican






Daughter born to DANIEL KING on the 21st.


MR. J. T. CASEBIER, EDGERLEY, LA., W. T. CASEBEIR, CENTRAL CITY, and J. C. CASEBIER of OWENSBORO are at the bedside of their father, MR. J. M. CASEBIER, who is dangerously ill at his home in HARTFORD.


MR. W. M. HIRSCH of DUNDEE married MISS LUCY MAPLES of HARTFORD on the 22nd; the couple will make their home in DUNDEE.


CAP DAVIS convicted of manslaughter of JOE MILLER; was given 8 years in penitentiary


OWENSBORO, KY..... PEARL SUTTON, the four year old daughter of JAMES SUTTON, fell down the cellar steps on the 24th and died of concussion of the brain.


WEST GOSHEN, KY... Daughter born  to LUTHER MILLER on the 26th


SMALLHOUSE, KY...The infant daughter of REV. G. H. LAWRENCE was buried Sunday in the Equality Cem.


IN MEMORIAM..... Sister LYDIA A. HOLLAND was born in OHIO CO., KY. MARCH 3, 1879 and died in Peach MAY 3, 1902... She professed religion at the age of 12 years.  She connected herself to the M. E. CHURCH SOUTH, where she was a faithful member until death.  She was a kind-hearted, loveable woman, a faithful loving wife and devoted mother. She leaves her husband and little children.


INDEPENDENCE, KY..... The remains of MR. HORACE BROWN, who died in the army, arrived last week.


Daughter born to W.C. HINTON on 23rd.






MISS DORA GIBSON has move to CROWLEY, LA to work at the college in that place.


Miss IVA BEANE, of near BEAVER DAM, the daughter of  C. D. BEANE  and being 17 years old, who was due to graduation from college in the coming days, was accidentally shot by her 2 year old cousin dragging a rifle across the floor and it going off, hitting her in the head, and killing her.  Her remains were returned to this city for burial...  She had been staying with her uncle’s family, Mr. R. B. LAWRENCE in NEW ORLEANS while going to collage. She died on May 26, 1902.


While dynamiting fish near Cadiz, Euphrates Cunningham was killed and Arthur Allen was stunned by the explosion of several sticks of dynamite in their boat.






Son born to JOHN B. WILSON on the 5th


MR. J. M. HOLLOWAY, and adopted son CHARLIE CROWER,  ROSINE were pleasant callers yesterday.


Infant child of LAFE GEARY of near NEAFUS, KY died on the 8th of whooping cough.


B. F. TUTTLE died of  BRIGHTS disease at his home near PHILPOT on the 9th.  He was 62 years old and leaves a wife.  He was one of the prominent men of Daviess Co.


JOHN WILL BENNETT died in the HOPKINSVILLE ASYLUM on the 8th where he had been confined for the last three years.


MR. DAN KELLEY, one of  OHIO COUNTY’S old citizens, died at his home near HORSE BRANCH last week.


MISS FLOSSIE McKINNEY,  daughter of  MRS. LAURA McKINNEY, died at her home in the KINDERHOOK area on the 5th of typhoid fever.


ESQ. P. H. ALFORD, one of OHIO COUNTY’S oldest and most respected citizens, died at his home at HORSE BRANCH last week.  He was nearly 70 years old. 






OLATON, KY..... MR. HENRY GODSEY, a son of  JOHN and AMANDA GODSEY, died on the 16th.  He and his brother James had bought a farm, and had planted a fine crop before Death made its call.


MR. D. V. DAUGHERTY, who had been sent from this county to the asylum at HOPKINSVILLE about one year ago, committed suicide on the 16th by cutting his throat with a old case knife.  His remains were brought home and buried.


MR. FELIX MONROE, formerly of BEAVER DAM, KY., died at his home in LEITCHFIELD, KY. on the 7th and buried in the BEAVER DAM. CEM. on the 8th.


RICHARD ENGLISH was instantly killed by the breaking of cable on the cage at the BLACK DIAMOND COAL Co. at DRAKESBORO on the 14th.






DUNDEE, KY.... Infant child of  J. R. SKAGGS died last week.


DUNDEE, KY....Daughter born to  C. M. COLE


MR. W. H. COLLINS married MISS BEULAH BARNETT, on the 21st in OWENSBORO, both are from HARTFORD.


MR. FRED STOESS married MISS JULIA KING at her parents, MR. & MRS. Z. O. KING, on the 25th at BEARD, KY.


MR. SAM BACH of Hartford married MISS ROSA BACH in CHICAGO, ILL. on the 19th.  They will make their home in HARTFORD.


EASTVIEW, KY..... MR. WILLIAM EVERLY died at his home on the 16th of typhoid fever, near Bell’s Run.






Daughter born to J. B. ALLEN


MR. CHARLES CHINN of Beaver Dam was buried on the 30th.  He had died at his home in TAYOR MINES, of lung problems on the 29th.  He was buried in the Beaver Dam Cem. in a MASONIC SERVICE.  His daughter, MISS LEE CHINN of LOUISVILLE, had been called to his side beforehand.




MISS MARIE VIRGINIA GRAVES of  GRUTHRIE, OK,.  the little daughter of MRS. DR. A. F. STANLEY,  has arrived in HARTFORD to spend the summer with her mother.  Miss Marie is certainly a brave little traveler as she made the long trip alone.


MR. HENRY HARDWICK, whose young wife died in MEMPHIS a short time ago, leaving a baby boy, named HENRY.  He will be brought from Owensboro to HARTFORD this week, as he will be raised by MR. HARDWICK’S brother MR. & MRS. W. G. HARDWICK .


PROF. S. M. WILSON of PRENTISS and MISS DAISY GODSEY will marry on the 2nd at the home of the bride’s parents, MR. MRS. R. L. GODSEY.   MR. Wilson is the youngest son of  MR. L. M. WILSON and brother of ATTORNEY J. B. WILSON of  HARTFORD. 






A bill has passed congress to build locks and dams on the POND RIVER.


MR. J. C. EWING, who lives about one mile south of SOUTH CARROLLTON,  awoke on the 5th to the crying of a baby, and went out to find its source.  Found a basket in which baby boy, about week old, sitting in his yard.  The Ewing’s have no children and thinking of keeping the child.


The little child of MR. MRS. LUTHER YOUNTS died at the home of his parents in PROVIDENCE on the 5th.


MR. P. C. MILLER, eldest son of JUDGE J. P. MILLER, has received an appointment to the WEST POINT MILITARY ACADEMY at WEST POINT, NEW YORK.


The only child of MR. JOHN JOHNSON of NORTH CREEK area, died on the 6th and was buried in the Carson Cem.


FRANK FULKERSON, of FORDSVILLE, was adjudged a lunatic and ordered to be sent to the asylum at HOPKINSVILLE.






MR. JOHN C. KELLY, while cleaning out a well, was killed due to bad air and falling  on the 14th.   He had given the signal to be pulled up, but had not knotted the rope right and fell back into the well hitting head first. The well was on the farm of  MR. ED DAVIDSON at HITE’S FALLS, this county.  He was buried in the DAVIDSON FAMILY  LOT, but it is felt he will be moved to ST. LOUIS, MO. in the fall.

He was born in ST. LOUIS, but while a child his parents returned to IRELAND where he was raised.  He was a soldier in the English war and saw service in INDIA and  AFRICA. He came back to the UNITED STATES about 17 years ago and has been in OHIO CO.  for 13 years.


Infant child of JAMES SMITH of FORDSVILLE on the 13th


MR. MIKE CONNIF of  FORDSVILLE, died on the 12th.... his remains were taken to LOUISVILLE for burial.


PLEASANT RIDGE, KY.... MRS. FANNIE MARTIN died at the home of MR. HARRY COX on the 9th, she was returned to Buford for burial in the family graveyard.


PRENTISS, KY....  Little BECKHAM FOGLE, son of  WALKER and FLORENCE FOGLE, died on JULY 7, 1902, aged 1 year, 2 months.   He leaves his parents and one sister to mourn him.






JOSB ANDERSON, a farmer living about three miles east of OWENSBORO, on the night of the 8th, shot and killed his wife at the home of her parents. She was the daughter of  CHARLES STEPHENS.

.  On the evening of the 10th, a mob broke him out of the city jail and hung him.

He was the step-son of MR. MURPHY.  They had been married two years and she had a one year old child  then.   He has a brother living in OWENSBORO and a brother who lives in MASONVILLE, who is married to the sister of the wife.


MRS. JOE ROBERTSON and daughter Clara have returned from OWESNBORO, where they have been visiting her daughter MISS NELLIE and her sister MRS. JIM BARNETT.


Son born to  B. C. PETTY on the 19th


Died at the home of J. WILL COLEMAN, near PROVIDENCE CHURCH on the 20th., MRS LUTHER YONTZ.  She was buried in the WEST PROVIDENCE CEM. on the 21st.


Died at the home of her aunt, MRS. H. A. MILLER on the 17th, of consumption, MISS ANNIE LEWIS.  She was buried in the OAKWOOD CEM. She had been a member of the BAPTIST CHURCH for 22 years.


THOMAS W. WEDDING of BARRETT’S FERRY and  MISS NANCY WRIGHT were married in OHIO COUNTY on  OCTOBER 16TH, 1845.  To them have been born nine children, four girls, five boys.  Of  said children, three boys and one girl are dead.  The living children are:






  Mrs. Nancy Wedding was 77 years old on the 19th of July and Thomas W. Wedding, her husband, was 80 years old on July 20th.  The children mentioned above of these old and honored people gave their parents a birthday dinner on the 20th.  The dinner was bountiful and carefully arranged and good enough to satisfy the most extreme epicure.  Mr. Thomas W. Wedding and  Mrs. Mariah Davison, wife of George W. Davison, are the only children of GEORGE W. WEDDING who died in 1854.  Mrs. Davison was present and is now seventy-three years old and in frail health.  There were twenty four grand-children present and many of the neighbors-- about fifty people in all being present.  Mr. Wedding gave a short talk in which he expressed his appreciation for the kindness him and his wife.  We hope these old people who have lived honorable lives and who are now more than three score and ten may live to see many birthdays and that their declining days may be the most peaceful of their lives.






MR. JOHN E. MAGAN, age 55 and lived at BUFORD, died on the 27th of typhoid fever.  He was buried in the MT. CARMEL CEM.  He leaves his wife and eight children.


MR. ALVIN HUNTER, son of JAMES HUNTER who was doing service in the U. S. ARMY, died last week.


The funeral services for MR. JAMES TODD were conducted at PLEASANT GROVE on the 27th.


MR. JOHN E. MAGAN of BUFORD was buried on the 28th. Attending were MRS. J. S. COLEMAN, Beaver Dam, MR. HENRY FIELD, wife and son ERNEST  and  JOSHUS, also MRS. J. S. FIELD and mother, MRS. RAY.


MR. MALCUM M. HARL, of BARRETTS FERRY, and MISS MURTIE SHREVE, eloped to EVANSVILLE, IND. a few days ago and were married.  MR HARL is the son of MR. J. P. HARL; he served two years in the army in the PHILIPINES.  He is 25 years old.  Miss Shreve is the daughter of M.E. SHREVE and is 18 years old..



MRS. ALLEN TOOLEY, who lived with her husband and three girl children on a farm a few miles west of this place, killed herself on the morning of the 19th after having killed her youngest daughter age 7.  The weapon used was a pistol.







MR. A. E. ORR, CENTRAL CITY married MISS ANNIE TINSLEY formerly of this place, but now CENTRAL CITY,  in GREENVILLE on the 30th.


MISS AUDRY DEXTER visited her aunt MRS. OMA CHINN at LIBERTY last week.






MR. ROBERT SPENCER, aged 82, married MRS. NANCY CRAVES, aged 74, in McLEAN CO. recently.


MR. E. G. BURTON has moved from RENDER, KY. to  STAUNTON, ILL to live


MRS. BEAN, wife of BUD BEAN died recently.


MRS. JUDA CHAPMAN who died JUNE 26, 1902, was 63 years old.










MR. SAM COY died at home near DUNDEE on the 21st and was buried at the Midkiff graveyard near Sulphur Springs.


MR. FRANK WRIGHT died at his home near Horton on the 20th of bight’s disease, and was buried in the MILTON TAYLOR CEM.


MR. HENRY TAYLOR, one of Ohio county’s well known farmers, was killed by lightning on the 20th at his home near PLEASANT RIDGE.  Worn out with the day’s work, he had lain down on the floor near the door to rest and cool off.  An electric storm was passing overhead, but he thought of no danger.  His two little boys were playing near by, one of which was stunned by the bolt of lightning, but will soon recovered.  His remains were buried at Bell’s Run Cem.


The widower S. M. JAMES, of  SELECT, Ky.,  married  MISS DONIA DOUGLAS on the 25th.  On the 26th a suit was filed against him by MISS FANNIE SHIELDS, who said he had promised  to marry her.


MR. JOHN TRAIL found a fully formed body of a baby  under a rock on his farm, near MANDA, OHIO CO., KY on the 25th.  The Coroner found it was the child of WIDOW MRS. OPHELIA PIKE who said she had concealed the birth, which she admitted, but said it never lived and had put it under the rock because she could not afford to bury it.  The child was buried by the neighbors on the 26th.






CERALVO, KY.... MR. W. C. BARNARD died on the 28th of typhoid fever. He was buried in the Ceralvo Cem.


GEORGE W. SNELL will probated.






DR. I. G. DRURY of the KNOTTSVILLE area died on the 28th of heart trouble, he was 78 years old.  He was living in his niece’s home, MRS. MARY RHOADES... He had never married.


MRS. SAM P. RENDER of  OKLAHOMA CITY, is  the guest of her parents MR. MRS. T. J. SMITH.


MRS. CHRIS GLENN of  CLOVERPORT, died on the 26th, of cancer.






REV. RECE ROMAINS, of near HORTON, died on the 15th of CONGESTIVE CHILLS and was buried in the MT. ZION CEM.


MRS. DAVE WILL LIKENS of near JINGO, KY died on the 10th of consumption and was buried in the BETHEL CEM.


MRS. MARTHA MILLER, wife of REUBEN A. MILLER, of HERBERT, OHIO CO. KY. died on the 11th.  She was born in SHELBY CO. KY. the daughter of JOHN and NANCY FORD, they moved to FORDSVILLE when she was an early age.







Son born to  C. P. NOWLIN on the 20th


At the home of the bride’s father, MR. Wm SMITH in CERALVO, KY on the 16th, MR. EDWARD J. ASHBY married MISS LULA MAY SMITH.


MR. A. P. DRAKE married MISS  MAUD BROWN in CENTERTOWN on the 17th, the bride is the daughter of  MR. MRS. J. W. BROWN.


DR. W. J. FINLEY of MORGANTOWN died last week.






MR. MARVIN MILLER has moved to MARLIN, TEXAS to live.


HENRY GODSEY died JUNE 16, 1902.






MRS. ELIJAH SALTSMAN died at ELIZABETHTOWN of a complication of diseases, two days after her husband died of a stroke.


NEWT. GREER of MAGAN died on the 5th of typhoid fever and buried in PLEASANT HILL CEM. and he leaves his wife and one child.


OLATON, KY..... MR. BUD BROWN’S wife died on the 3rd






SELECT, KY..... MR. WILLIE ARBUCKLE died at the home of MR C. W. RANNERY on the 3rd. and was buried in the GREEN RIVER CEM.   He had consumption.


MRS. G. E. BARTLETT got word on the 9th that her father had died in HICKSMAN, KY.


A dispatch was received  here this week from ROCK SPRINGS, WYOMING, saying  that SAM BRATCHER, of ROCKPORT,  had been accidentally killed in that place and was buried there.

NOTE from the OCT. 15th issue;

SAM BRATCHER who formerly lived at ECHOLS, in OHIO COUNTY was killed while at work at ROCK SPRINGS, WYOMING.  At the time of the accident  Bracher was engaged in loading coal.  When taken form under the slate he was still alive, but died two hours later.  Bratcher was one of a number of old employees of the Central Coal and Iron Company at Echols who migrated to Wyoming only a few weeks ago.  He was twenty-eight years old and leaves a young wife.


SAM BARTLETT of Daviess County has filed suit in the CIRCUIT CURT her against his wife, EVA BARTLETT.  His wife before marriage was EVA LONG, and it is remembered she is accused of drowning her child for which crime she is now in jail here pending trial.


MR. BEN D. RINGO has returned from Morganfield where he attended the funeral of his uncle, CAPT. SAM P. DUNCAN, who died of heart failure at his home on the 10th.  Capt. Duncan was Mr. RINGO’S foster father and a brother to MRS. MARTHA RINGO of this place and MRS. ELIZA GRAY of BEAVER DAM.  He was a veteran of the Mexican war and served as Captain of Company A of the 4th Ky. Regiment in the Confederate Army.














MRS. BEN D. RINGO received word yesterday that her sister MRS. LIZZIE RYAN BURR of AUBURN, KY. had died.  Mrs. Burr had attended school here.


HOPEWELL CHURCH in FORDSVILLE is dedicated on the 2nd


MR. ROY FUKERSON and MISS NANNIE KIRTLY eloped and were married on the 17th.


WILLIAM GOODE, a farmer who lived near GREENVILLE, was hit and killed by a train on the 4th. He was 35 years old.






THOMAS H. CARSON estate probated


ROCKPORT, KY..... MR. KELLER HAYNES has returned from MEXICO CITY to stay.



MR. RICHARD BANDY, of IRVINGTON, was 74 years of age Sunday.  He was born OCTOBER 26, 1838 near GARFIELD, BRECKENRIDGE CO,. KY and lives in this county.  He married MISS PARTHENIA JANE CLAYCOMB, daughter of NELSON CLAYCOMB.  Nine children were born to this union.  Mrs. Bandy died in 1878.  Mr. Bandy married MISS LYDIA A. St. CLAIR, who is now living and is 81 years of age.  Mr. Bandy has two living brothers BRYAN and THOMAS, the latter who will be 77 next June.


RAMSON NORTON, another old man, is also a native of this county.  He will be 72 next December.  He has 9 children, 4 of whom are residents of this county.  He now lives 1/2 mile of the place where he was born.







JAMES SHEARER, a  young man of 22 years of age, was instantly killed by a limb from a falling tree on the 15th.   He was buried at MT. ZION CEM.  He had  come to Ohio Co. about four years ago from MORGANTOWN; he had never married and was the sole support for his widowed mother.


REV. J. S. McDANIEL died at the home of his son CROMWELL McDANIEL at LEWISPORT on the 12th. He was one of the best known METHODIST MINISTERS in the state.  His daughter , MISS SALLIE,  married MR. CLARENCE HARWICK.   He is survived by his children, MR. CROMWELL  McDANIEL of  LEWISPORT,  MRS. ED. TAYLOR  of  GREENVILLE and MRS. A. W. LITTLE of KANSAS CITY, KAN.



HARLAN BUCKES, who was yesterday sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of ROBER L REID, was hanged by a mob today.  Buckles was sentenced to life imprisonment for  killing ROBERT L. REID at UTOPLA ISLAND, this county  JULY 10, 1902.



MR. W. A. MILLER and family has left for  ST. LOUIS, MO. to make their new home


DR. JOHN GRIGSBY died of paralysis at his home in PETERSBURG, IND. on the 15th. He formerly lived in Ohio Co. KY and was a brother of MRS. JUIS RENFROW of  DUNDEE,  and was also related to MRS. S. J. WEDDING of HARTFORD.


MR. Wm AUSTIN married Mrs. MOLLIE MARTIN of BEAVER DAM at FORDSVILLE on the 16th.  This was the second marriage for both.







MR. HENRY HURT, a good citizen of our town died of consumption on the 24th and was buried in the McCORD CEM.   He was the father of WILLIE HURT, who clerks for A. R. RENFROW & Co.






MISS NORMA GREEN, daughter of  WILLIAM GREEN of  DAVISON STATION, died of  pneumonia on the 30th.


The REV. D. J. K. MADDOX married  MRS. LULA TICHENOR, the widow of ARRON TICHENOR on the 25th.






MR. Wm FLENER and family have returned from Oklahoma; they didn’t like that country too well.


MR. CHARLEY SMITH married MISS ATTA LEACH at the home of the bride’s parent’s home on the 23rd.


MR. J. HAM MILLER died at his home in BEAVER DAM, on the 6th and buried in the GOSHEN CEM.


Estate of  J. J. FULKERSON probated






MRS. SYLVESTER JONES, of SMALLHOUSE, KY, died on the 5th of heart trouble, then buried in the EQUALITY CEM.


Daughter born to T. R. BARNARD on the 9th


MRS. EDEN BISHOP died at her home in BEAVER DAM on the 11th of heart trouble.  Her father W. L. ROWE died suddenly of the same trouble a short time ago.


UNCLE JOHNNIE JARNAGIN, father of MESSRS. R. C. and J.N. JARNAGIN, died at his home eight miles from BEAVER DAM on the 11th.  He was 70 years of age and one of Ohio County’s most respected citizens.






Daughter born to  J. N. FORD on the 7th


Son born to J. W. FORD on the 12th


SEBURN BAKER, shot and killed himself on the 17th in ROCKPORT, KY.


MRS. DR. MATTHEWS of  FORDSVILLE, died at her home on the 19th and was buried in the PLEASANT HOPE CEM.  The funeral was postponed on account of the sickness of her little girl.






MRS. POLLY ANN WRIGHT died of pneumonia at her home near HARTON on the 18th and buried in the Bethel Church Cem.  She was in her 95th year of age.


MR. A. A. CHEVERRTON married MISS HESTER HOWARD of Livermore in OWENSBORO on the 17th.   They will make their home in LIVERMORE.


MR. OWEN WILLIAMS, formerly of this county, but now of CROWLEY, LA. is in Hartford with his bride, the former MISS ETHEL LEE.  They were married in Crowley on the 23rd.  Owen now works for the CROWLEY SIGNAL.




MR. LEWIS SOSH married MISS NANNIE WHITTAKER on the 28th.  The Sosh’s will make their home in RUSSELLVILLE, KY.


                                                                                       THE END

County Coordinator: John G. West
Assistant County Coordinator: William R. Vincent

Created by John G. West