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The Grayson Gazette

27 October 1899 Grayson County KyGenWeb Site
Chas. H. Stuart, Editor
Subscription Rate - $1.00 per year Single copy 5 cents

Long article about Family Reunion at Little Clifty Baptist Church of family of James R. White, age 92, and wife, Rachel, age “past 84". She had previously been married to Simeon Buchanan, deceased. She was the second wife of Mr. White. Many children and grandchildren mentioned. (If anyone needs details of this article, please contact Charles Leach directly.).


Obituary of Lucy Scott, infant daughter of Aaron and Eva Scott, of Annetta. She was 7 months old.

Millwood: Lee Raines, of Caneyville, was here Sunday. * Mrs. Austin Kimble has returned from Louisville. * Pleasant Tucker and wife were here last week visiting. * T. J. Parahan, of Hardinsburg, is visiting relatives here. * John Maddox, of McHenry, spent Sunday here with his brother. * Miss Florence White is visiting Miss Annie Montgomery, of Black Rock. * Miss Sallie Crawford has returned home from a visit to Hartford friends. * Miss Ida Bruner, of Clarkson, returned home after spending a few weeks here. * Miss Minta Duvall, of Bethlehem College, spent a few days here visiting her parents. * Douglass Williams and family returned home from Cloverport where they visited relatives. * Miss Jennie Wells, after spending a week with her sister in Breckenridge county, returned home Monday. * Violet.

Mt. Hebron: Health is good. * We are having quite an interesting school with an increased attendance. * Bro. Eanes filled his regular appointment at this place last Sunday and a large crowd was present. * Willie Paul and sister, Miss Eva, and Redmond Ferry were guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Langley last Friday night. * The election is all the talk and we are glad it will soon be over. * Our school teacher, Redmond Ferry, contemplates a visit to relatives near Short Creek next week. * A crowd from this neighborhood visited Hardin Springs last Saturday.

Bloomington: Ship Carns, who has been very sick for some time, is better at this writing. * A protracted meeting commenced at the Union church Sunday. We hope there will be much and lasting good accomplished. * Tom Stevenson and family and Mrs. Vinson, of near Bee Springs, visited relatives in this neighborhood a few days the past week. * Several persons from this part of the moral vineyard attended the reunion of the White and Buchanan families at Little Clifty church last Saturday. There was a large crowd in attendance and all seemed to enjoy the two excellent sermons preached by Revs. C. M. Buchanan and H. B. White.

A Happy Marriage. On last Wednesday evening at six o'clock a very pretty house wedding was solemnized at the residence of Ed Thomas in this city, Mr. A. D. Rouse, of Elizabethtown, being the groom, and Mrs. Mattie E. Cubbage, of this city, the bride. It was a quite affair, only a few relatives and friends of the couple being present to witness the ceremony. Rev. G. F. Cundiff, pastor of the M. E. church, south, officiated, Miss Jemmie James being maid of honor and James Rogers C. H. Stuart attendants. They are a well suited couple, both nearly the same age, and it being the second time for each to enter the marital state. The bride is a well known and estimable lady popular both in the city and county, and wherever she is known, while Mr. Rouse is a prominent citizen of Elizabethtown , at present with the Gardner-Warren Implement Co., of that city, a gentleman well worthy of the splendid woman he has made his wife. They were accompanied by the wedding party to the 7:45 train, which by the way was some three hours late, upon which they left by way of Louisville for Elizabethtown where they will reside. The Gazette joins their many friends in extending congratulations and best wishes hoping they may have a "Rousing" happy time all through the meridian and decline of life.


Marriage Licenses. Ellie Sadler, 29, to Miss Margaret A. Hilton, 16, both of Hardin County, at the bride's home on the 22nd. * Washington Duvall, 18, of Edmondson, to Miss Mollie Decker, 21, of Grayson, at bride's home on 25th. * H. J. Dennison, 32, to Miss Lydia J. Chancellor, 20, both of Grayson, at bride's home on the 25th. * James Tuncil, 23, to Miss Emmaline Witten, 20, both of Grayson, at bride's home on the 26th. * Jiles L. Dunn, 19, to Miss Ester Garland Burns, 16, both of Grayson, at court house on 24th. * Wm. A. Miller, 21, to Miss Fannie Decker, 20, both of Grayson, at bride's home on 26th.

Called Beyond. Mrs. Lucy McDaniels, wife of John J. McDaniels, of Salisbury, N. C., died at the residence of her mother, Mrs. Mary L. Pulliam, in this city on last Thursday night. Mrs. McDaniels and daughter had been here upon a visit for some two months. She took the typhoid fever and until a few days before death was not thought dangerously ill. Her husband was dispatched for but too late to reach her side before death. The funeral service was held at the residence on Sunday afternoon, Rev. G. F. Cundiff of the M. E. church, south, officiating and the remains laid to rest at the Thomas cemetery.

Stones Chapel: James Shartzer, of near Millwood, is visiting his parents, S. P. Shartzer and wife. * The party at Oliver Larkins last Saturday night was well attended. * James Larkins and wife spent Saturday and Sunday in Butler county with A. J. Hays and family. * Mose Templeman, and son Daniel, and their wives visited relatives near Concord Saturday and Sunday. * J. D. Jordan and family spent Saturday and Sunday with W. G. Hays. * Quite a number of people from this neighborhood attended the speaking at Short Creek last Saturday. * Misses Lula and Ida Shartzer visited their brother at Short Creek Saturday and Sunday. * Rev. W. G. Stone and son were in Leitchfield on business Monday.


G. H. Gardner was up in Hardin on business Tuesday. * Ed Kefauver has left for a few weeks trip through Texas. * John Hughes' little girl, Georgia, is down with the typhoid fever. * Sim Clements has three town lots for sale. Call on him. * Evan Cannon came up from Livermore Saturday, returning Tuesday. * Miss Effie Henninger spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Caneyville. * Rev. A. H. Davis and wife were over from Hardinsburg Sunday and Monday. * John E. Stone and family spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Moore, north of town. * J. W. Dawson left Tuesday to travel in Michigan and Minnesota for the Diamond Ink Co. * Miss Mary Dent returned home Sunday night from a two weeks visit with friends in Louisville. * Willis Green, of Falls of Rough, came over on business last Sunday afternoon, returning Monday. * For Sale - two, nice, level farms well improved. Terms easy. Address F. M. Gaines, Clarkson, Ky. * Misses Georgia and Stella Rogers are both improving. The latter has passed through a very serious spell of typhoid fever. * Dr. Hardin, of Elizabethtown, came down on business Wednesday evening and was the guest of Jess T. Gosnell Wednesday night. * For Sale - two good horses, one seven years old, 16 1…2 hands, and good buggy horse, will work anywhere - other 5 year old mare, 15 1…2 hands, good worker, both perfectly reliable. Apply to D. L. Hughes, Leitchfield, Ky. * On last Saturday morning, while Mrs. Abe Cull was out milking, their little daughter fell into the fire place and was badly burned about the face and body. It died from the wounds about 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon. The child was only three years old. * Thos. Hunter has secured a position with J. A. Shuttleworth & Co., Louisville, manufacturers of men, boys and childrens' clothing. He will travel in Tennessee and a portion of Kentucky, beginning about the 15th. He left Monday for Humboldt, Tenn., to visit his wife and baby. * Clay Cubbage was taken seriously sick Wednesday. * E. B. Tilford and wife are boarding at Mrs. Layman's. * Dr. J. W. Conklin has moved into Mrs. Layman's property on English street. * George Meredith's little daughter, Mary Ellen, was taken seriously ill Wednesday. * Ed (Guinea) Smith, (colored) returned home from the penitentiary last Saturday and on Sunday morning he died. * Several Leitchfield boys attended the dance given by George Cissell, near Clarkson, Monday evening and report it a great success. * W. H. McDaniel, Melrose Lewis and Mrs. Lillie Cannon, of Terre Haute, Ind., arrived Saturday to attend the funeral of Mrs. J. J. McDaniel. * C. F. Very, of New Albany, has been here the past week with J. L. Fulton and wife, of Chicago, showing them the asphalt and mineral sections of Grayson county. * The following are the county teachers who attended the Association meeting Friday and Saturday at Beaver Dam: Misses Durbin, Lewis, Shively, Byers, Godsey, Mollie and Dee Tunstall, and Warren Anderson. * Mrs. W. H. Meredith was called by telegram to Louisville on Wednesday evening to attend the bedside of her father, Rev. M. M. Hunter, who is suffering from a stroke of paralysis. He is at the home of his daughter, in the city. * Miss Carolyn Barbour is improving. * Miss Iva Layman went to Louisville Tuesday to spend the week. * Dan O'Riley is having a flagstone walk laid in front of his brick block. * Mrs. Jess T. Gosnell and daughter, Rua Ilma, are spending the week in Louisville. * Did you try Paul W. Rossdeutscher's Ham Sandwiches? If not come and get one, 5c. * Mrs. T. L. Patterson, of Caneyville, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. W. L. Vannorte. * George Cissell and family leave today for McLean county. Mr. Cissell has a farm near Calhoun, Ky., in that county. * J. A. Payne has contracted to teach the winter term of the Shrewsbury school and will move there shortly. * Mrs. M. B. Tilford, of Louisville, who has been visiting her son, E. Bailey Tilford, returned home Tuesday. * Judge T. R. McBeath and wife left yesterday morning for Paducah to visit the Judge's sister, Mrs. Mary Chastaine. * Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robinson, of Glendeane, Ky., came over Wednesday to spend a few days with Mrs. Hennie McBeath. * The Raymer brothers, Miles B., Drury and J. W. Raymer, have bought W. H. McQuady's store at the Tanyard below Caneyville. * Dr. J. T. Green has let the contract for his brick office building to Daniel Heybach & Sons. Work on the foundation has begun. * Oscar Bond, the Olaton merchant, and his wife, came up last Sunday to visit the former's mother, Mrs. Bond, at the Stoy House. * Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Clarkson and children, of Big Spring, Ky., are expected here today to visit R. E. Yates and family. They drive through from Meade. * J. T. Aubrey has a position with Wile Bros. & Weill, Buffalo, N. Y., a large clothing house, and will travel in Missouri and Nebraska. He leaves next week for Buffalo. * J. J. McDaniel, of Salisbury, N. C., was called here to the bedside of his wife, who was taken sick at her mother's, Mrs. Mary Pulliam, last week. Owing to misconnection of trains he did not arrive until Saturday morning after his wife's death on Thursday night. * Wess Blain committed suicide at his home near Short Creek last Friday night by taking poison. He had been drinking heavily for a few days prior to taking the fatal dose. He was about 55 years old, a carpenter, in good circumstances and a brother of A. L. Blain, deceased, so well known over the county. * Mrs. C. A. Alvey and children and Laurence Rafferty and wife left last Tuesday night for Benton, Ark., where Mr. Alvey has located. * Joseph Edelen went to Louisville Monday to make arrangements to travel for the Kentucky Jeans Clothing Co. He will travel in the west and while on the road will be on the lookout for a good business point for a location.

  Stones Chapel: James Shartzer, of near Millwood, is visiting his parents, S. P. Shartzer and wife. * The party at Oliver Larkins last Saturday night was well attended. * James Larkins and wife spent Saturday and Sunday in Butler county with A. J. Hays and family. * Mose Templeman, and son Daniel, and their wives visited relatives near Concord Saturday and Sunday. * J. D. Jordan and family spent Saturday and Sunday with W. G. Hays. * Quite a number of people from this neighborhood attended the speaking at Short Creek last Saturday. *

Misses Lula and Ida Shartzer visited their brother at Short Creek Saturday and Sunday. * Rev. W. G. Stone and son were in Leitchfield on business Monday.

Pine Knob: The fine growing weather is changing the appearance of wheat fields, but pasture fields are bare and a great many persons are compelled to feed their stock as a result from the early freeze. * Several persons from this part went to Louisville last week. *

Prof. Parks and wife, of Ohio County, visited the latter's parents last week. * The extreme cold weather last winter has caused several persons to build new houses and repair old ones. * There seems to be but little excitement over the election. Goebel will probably get a good vote in this precinct. We are sorry the division has taken place in the Democratic party, but hope it will be beneficial in the future as it is an evident fact that they can never accomplish anything in a divided state.

Available Issues:
  Oct 1890 Oct 1897 Nov 1897  
  Jul 1898 Jul 1899 Oct 1899  
  Dec 1899 Sep 1905    


Charles Leach has submitted his transcriptions of the Grayson Gazette.
His family had the actual newspaper issues in an old trunk.

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County Coordinator: William R. Vincent
Assistant County Coordinator: John G. West

Created by Bill Vincent & John G. West